
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A New Format, Wiki

WIKI; Why people don't stop talking about You?

There were lots of on-going discussions on Wiki System. Among those, I'd like to introduce this article since it is easy to understand and well explained.

Wiki is definately a very interesting and reasonable format. It helps you oranize what you think, what you know and everything that you can make with a doc-ument. Some of people are very very positive about the future of wiki saying that the whole world, the way people read and write, can be changed by Wiki system.

However, it seems still far from the public. Since I personally think publics are so evil and dumb. Or they become so numb to very unreasonable formats, veiled under the name of 'Usuability'.


Why wiki is Good?
1. Allows anyone to edit a page without the hassle of logging in
2. Web-editable, from pretty much any web browser these days.
This makes it very cross-platform for end users.
3. Less thought-time from looking at a page to correcting it.
4. Simple layout / Simple Structure
5. Where other systems allow one to comment, leaving a static note
which isn't integrated into a greater body of work, a wiki allows one
to add to a pool of knowledge and re-edit a topic.
6. Important key words do not need to be formatted in bold,
because the text already highlighted by coloured text to another wiki link.
7. principle of voluntary cooperation allows for unfinished or incomplete work
to be placed in a wiki so it is shared and easily improved or added to by
others at their discretion.

Why wiki is Bad?
1. A wiki goal, manifesto or mission statement is not directly enforcable.
2. Refactoring (rewriting a topic) may be a barrier to some, who would consider
such an action to be almost impolite or even arrogant.
3. Many users are so used to viewing web content from a consumer-perspective
that the only additions they make are comments. Users must understand
that they are both a consumer (reader), and a producer (editor).
4. Where multiple authors may work on a topic, there can exist conflicts of goals
or personality.
5. Some pages may collect cruft or linkrot after a time.
6. Many wikis are so vulnerable that all data can be destroyed, disrupted or
displaced by way of an automated attack.

See its original: