Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Korean Mobile Phone Diverts Deadly Bullet

A Korean-made mobile phone has performed a trick folklore traditionally reserves for the Bible, saving the life of an Englishman by absorbing the bullet that was meant for him.
The BBC News and daily tabloid The Sun on Tuesday reported Darren Prior (23), the manager of a jewelry shop in West Sussex, was shot by an armed robber but survived as the bullet hit the cell phone in his breast pocket.
The reports said a masked armed robber broke into the store, took the jewelry and ran away. With Prior in hot pursuit, the man turned back and shot him twice. One bullet missed and the other killed the phone.
The projectile lodged in the battery of the LG model.
Prior said he felt the shot drilling into his chest. He thought he would find himself bleeding but was baffled to find a clean hole on his shirt.
LG Electronics is so pleased with the PR coup that it has decided to give Prior its latest third-generation mobile phone along with another home appliance of his choice such as a plasma display panel (PDP) TV or washing machine. The company said Prior would also be invited to launches of new LG products.
S. Korea's ranking rises in global competitiveness
The Global Competitiveness Report 2005-2006 released yesterday showed that Asia's fourth-largest economy climbed 12 notches. It is the second time that Korea placed within the top 20 since 2003, as it continued to advance for the past three years.
The annual study touted by the WEF as a "valuable tool for shaping economic policy and guiding investment decisions," attributed Korea's sudden rise to its ability to enter a stage of economic recovery despite the strengthening won against the U.S. dollar. The stronger domestic currency threatened to dampen exports, which have been the country's main economic driver amid sluggish consumption.

Finland retained the No. 1 spot for the third consecutive year. The United States has remained second since Finland replaced the world's-largest economy in the 2003-2004 report.
The remainder of the top 10 were Sweden, Denmark, Taiwan, Singapore, Iceland, Switzerland, Norway and Australia.
In Asia, Taiwan continued to be the most competitive, placing fifth, followed by Singapore at sixth place. The WEF report described them as "Asia's two dragons."
Japan, the world's second-largest economy, ranked 12th, sliding three notches.
The WEF report has been published for the past 26 years, serving as an authoritative guide to the competitive condition of economies worldwide.
from The Korea Herald
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Luxury Customers Getting Younger
The main customers of luxury brands are getting younger, with shoppers in their 20s and 30s outnumbering those in their 40s and 50s at high-end department stores like Lotte’s Avenuel and Galleria. The industry targets them as “young luxury customers,” but there are fears that that will aggravate an unhealthy consumption habit since few of them are economically independent.
People in their 20s and 30s accounted for 48 percent of customers who bought luxury goods at Avenuel in July, 10 percentage points more than those in their 40s and 50s. The proportion of 20-somethings has been going up by a percentage point a month from 12.3 percent in April to 16.9 percent in July. The same goes for Galleria Department Store with its longer history of selling luxury goods. People in their 20s and 30s constituted 57.1 percent of the store’s luxury customers in July.
Ha Seong-dong of Lotte Department Store says the young, unlike their parents, have grown up surrounded by luxury goods, and to them designer brands are simply a means to express themselves rather than an unnecessary indulgence.
Department stores are competing to woo these young customers. Galleria says it is displaying more trendy goods and increasing the number of multi-shops. It is also strengthening marketing strategies for young luxury customers such as events for soon-to-be-married couples. It has also become a home to high-end restaurants and cultural spaces to fit the taste of the new customers.
Yet many of them do not earn the money they spend on luxury goods. Students or jobless people account for over 10 percent of 20-something customers of luxury departments.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Letter from China Written by a Defector
Last March, Citizens' Coalition for Human Rights of Abductees and North Korean Refugees (CHNK) received a letter. It was a letter requesting for rescue written by a North Korean defector.
The writer letter is Ms. Park, who attempted defection to South Korea through Mongolia in December 2003, but got arrested by the Chinese police and repatriated to North Korea. He was released by many injuries on his body from torture. He attempted defection again and arrived in China, but had to have both of his legs amputated.
With the contribution by the CHNK. The DailyNK releases the letter in full text to the readers. Ms. Park is currently making a stay in Thailand, waiting to come to South Korea.
Following is the letter in full text.
I want to go to South Korea!
Dear Respected Misters! How do you do?I am Park **, a defector from ** City of South Hamkyung province.
I defected to China and lived Jangchun (China) with my son, but having been treated like pebbles on the streets, I realized where I must go is South Korea, where my freedom and human rights will are secured. To realized my dream, I left for Manzhouli(a name of a place, China) but instead of paradise, I was taken to North Korea, arrested by Chinese police and forcefully repatriate, and I returned to China handicapped.
December 12, 2003, everyone was excited for the coming Christmas, and I, with faith in God that I will be able to make it to South Korea, left alone leaving my son in Changchun with the help of the cook of the restaurant I was working for. Once I made up my mind to defect, there was nothing I was afraid of. However, I was arrested on December 20 in Nei Monggol by Chinese police, and was sent back to North Korea. First I was sent to Jipkyulso in Chungjin City, then to Forced Labor Concentration Camp located in Shinpo City in South Hamkyung province. I cannot write down all the sufferings I have experienced in my homeland with few words or in few pages.
When I first arrived in North Korea, my feet were not that bad, they were only a little swollen. However, in the cold prison cell of Onsung Security Department the next January, they pierced my feet with oxidized metal, and I was beat up and kicked with boots that my eyes bled.
I was beat up like that everyday, and my feed were chained that feet were metal poisoned and became more swollen. From the parts where they were pieced came out blood and puss, and started to rot.
I suffered of pain and cried every night, and they hit my feel even more saying that my feet should rot up to my knees so I will never attempt to defect to South Korea again. In such fearful pain, I promised myself that if I cannot make it to South Korea walking on my feel, then I will make to by my elbow crawling and testify the crimes of the Kim Jong Il regime. That determination kept me alive until today.
Looking at my rotting feet with puss gushing out, I prayed again and again for God to bring an end to the Kim Jong Il, a government as rot as my feet, under which the people die away everyday and where no human dignity could be found.
With time I was bruised all over my body, even the white parts of my eye balls became blue, and I looked like a monster, not a human being. But they still beat me and kicked me and said that they are letting me live.
They were right though. If it were no for my rotten feet, I would not have made out. After a month, they showed me a written page of which they wrote testifying that I have attempted to defect to China and was arrested by the Chinese police.
I was dumbfounded.
Then they released me looking at my feet that have turned black by then, so I can be treated. I looked at my feet, which gave me so much pain, and was happy because they let me live. Misters!
Does this make sense anywhere in the world? Is this what a normal person can imagine? The screams and moans that came out of my mouth for pain… I do not even want to remember ever again. My feet that gave me so much pain are gone now so I no longer can stand.
That scream and moaning were not only mine but were of out parents and bothers, and also of that Kim Jong Il regime that is so rot that it can no longer stand alone.
After that, with the least treatment I could get, pain was reduced. Despite my parents’ and sister’s tears, I left them with canes, I fell on ground because of hunger and I crawled because I could not longer walk, but I made it do China. My son and my friends cried when they saw me, but I did not cry because I escaped from the hell and will find a way to South Korea
However, now, seven months here, it seems like my dream to go to South Korea is so far in distance. Instead, I suffer of threat of arrest by Chinese police everyday, and the fear drives me nearly crazy.
As if it were my business, I look at the clothes everyday and search for the land I want to be in, but it makes more suffer even more that I cannot even imagine the place.
Respected misters! Help me. Make my wish to go to that place come true. I ask you with all and all my heart. Please pray for me so the fair God will forgive all my sins and guide me to South Korea.I will wait for your reply with hope.
March 25, 2005
Written by Park **
from donga
Stills 'Show N.Korean Soldiers Abusing Woman' < Link >
Global Competitiveness Report 2004-2005
Country Rankings 2004-2005
1. Finland
2. USA
3. Sweden
4. Taiwan
5. Denmark
>>Full rankings
Global Information Technology Report 2004-2005 < Link >
Country Rankings
1. Singapore
2. Iceland
3. Finland
4. Denmark
5. US
Seoul to spend 8.6 tln won in expanding social safety net
The government has decided to spend a total of 8.6 trillion won (US$8.3 billion) over the next four years to strengthen the country's social safety net, officials said Monday.
The decision was made at a government-ruling party meeting earlier in the day, where the sides also resolved to ease requirements that make citizens eligible for state subsidies.
To that end, the government will raise the poverty line to add 120,000 more to the list of recipients of government aid. Currently, 1.49 million people on the list.In an effort to reduce the income gap between the rich and poor, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) system, a refundable tax credit for low-income workers outside the social safety net, will be introduced in 2007.
The EITC system is designed to help people in the low-income groups with subsidies and tax benefits .
The government also decided to expand medical subsidies. Originally given to households with incomes below the minimum living cost of 1.13 million won a month, households in the bracket above will also be included by 2009.
To cope with the problems of a rapidly aging society, the government will introduce nurses to low-income families who support their elderly with serious diseases like Alzheimer's in July 2008.As many as 110 more sanitariums will also be constructed by that deadline to help the elderly.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Recall the conferences
The Web 2.0 conference 2004
Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle on the big themes of the conference:
-The web is a development environment.
-Websites are now software components that you can call as services.
-PC application stack was Intel-Others-Windows, with third party applications to lock in at the top.
-Web application stack is NetworkSolutions - OpenSource/Browsers - BigGuysLikeAmazonAndMapquestAndGoogle, with network effects to lock in at the top.
-Customers build businesses -- tons of people are putting content on the Internet to help eBay, Google, Blogging, Amazon, Flickr, etc.
-Microsoft won the browser war but saw no financial gains from the win. All the value has migrated to the applications.
-We're seeing the end of the software upgrade cycle, because Web applications are always up-to-date.
-"The Power of the Tail" means you can have a lot of small players that all survive. Google AdSense takes advantage of the tail. < More >
Supernova 2005
MeshForum 2005
ETech 2005
Software 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
Contemporary Philosophy
Postmodern Thought
Theodor Adorno
Louis Althusser
Roland Barthes
Michael Bakhtin
Jean Baudrillard
Walter Benjamin
Maurice Blanchot
Kenneth Burke
Jacques Derrida
Gilles Deleuze
Terry Eagleton
Stanley Fish
Michel Foucault
Frankfurt School
Hans-George Gadamer
Anthony Giddens
Antonio Gramsci
Felix Guattari
Jurgen Habermas
Donna Haraway
Martin Heidegger
Agnes Heller
Max Horkheimer
Edmund Husserl
Fredric Jameson
Julia Kristeva
Jacques Lacan
Bruno Latour
Jean Francois Lyotard
Georg Lukács
Paul de Man
Herbert Marcuse
Karl Marx
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Richard Rorty
Jean-Paul Sartre
Edward Said
Charles Taylor
Paul Virilio
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Related pages:Semiotics Critical Pedagogy Qualitative Research Constructivism Theory of Technology Corollary Sites
BasicsWhat is Postmodernism?
Postmodernism (Wikipedia)
What is Postmodernism? (Mary Klages)
What is Postmodernism? (Jay Lemke)
etymology: post modern (John Unsworth)
Basic terms and definitions (Tim Spurgin)
Postmodern, Postmodernism, Postmodernity (Martin Irvine)
Postmodernism, Pedagogy, and Philosophy of Education (Clive Beck)
Postmodernism and its Critics (Shannon Weiss & Karla Wesley) What is Critical Theory?
Critcal Theory (James Bohman, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) archive
Critical Theory (Wikipedia)
What is Critical Theory? (University College Chichester)
What is Critical Theory? (Bob Nowlan)
Introductory Guide to Critical Theory (Dino Felluga)
Critical Theory and the Limits of Sociological Positivism (R. George Kirkpatrick) mirror
Groden and Kreiswirth (eds) The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism Online
Cultural Studies and Critical Theory (Geoffrey Sauer)
Critical Pedagogy
Logos A quarterly journal of modern culture, politics and society.
Essays on the Philosophy of Technology an extensive collection of essays in contemporary philosophy (Frank Edler, Metropolitan Community College Omaha, Nebraska)
CTheory (an international journal of theory, technology, and culture)
Critical Inquiry (University of Chicago)
Postmodern Culture (University of Virginia, Vassar, JHU Press) (David Gauntlett)
Contretemps (Univ of Sydney)
University of Minnesota Press Literary and Critical Theory
Guide to Philosophy on the Internet (Peter Suber)
Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind (Chris Eliasmith)
Dear Habermas, A Journal of Postmodern Thought (Jeanne Curran)
Continental Philosophy (Bruce Janz)
French Nietzsches: Links (Duncan Large)
Irreverence Anti-essentialist perspectives (Fayaz Chagani)
Univ of Chicago Conference: After Postmodernism online papers Louis Althusser
Althusser profile (Mary Klages)
Althusser profile (Andy Blunden)
Althusser profile (Daniel Chandler)
Althusser profile (Garth Kemerling)
Louis Althusser Internet Archive (
Falluga Louis Althusser on Ideology
Taccheri Louis Althusser's " Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses"
Jean Baudrillard
Baudrillard profile (Wikipedia)
Baudrillard profile (Byron Hawk)
Baudriallard profile and annotated bibliography (Ben Attias)
Felluga Jean Baudrillard on Postmodernity
Falluga Jean Baudrillard on Simulation
The "ecstasy" of Jean Baudrillard (Richard Vine)
Baudrillard Home Page (European Graduate School)
Baudrillard on the Web (Alan Taylor)
Baudrillard Home Page (European Graduate School)
Kellner (1989) Baudrillard: A New McLuhan?
Boundaries and Borderlines: Reflections on Jean Baudrillard and Critical Theory (Doug Kellner)
Simulacra and Simulations from Jean Baudrillard, Selected Writings, ed. Mark Poster (Stanford; Stanford University Press, 1988).
book announcement (FrontList Books)
summary (Paul Smethurst)
short reviews (Stanford University Press)
Norris (2004) Hannah Arendt and Jean Baudrillard: Pedagogy in the Consumer Society
Baudrillard Links (Richard Pope)
Maurice Blanchot
Blanchot obituary (Douglas Johnson)
Michelmore The Absent Voice: on the writings of Maurice Blanchot
Barker (1995) Nietzsche/Derrida, Blanchot/Beckett: Fragmentary Progressions of the Unnamable (PMC)
Lier (2002) The City and the Stars: Politics and Alterity in Heidegger, Levinas and Blanchot
Lier (2001) Our Responsibility: Blanchot's Communism pdf document
Jacques Derrida
Remembering Jacques Derrida July 15, 1930 - October 8, 2004
London Daily Telegraph
BBC News
the Jerusalem Post
Sophia News Agency
Voice of America
Channel News - Asia
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Times of London
U.C. Irvine News
the Times of India
The Australian
Cornell Daily Sun
Christian Science Monitor
Lewis and Klein
Derrida profile (Wikipedia)
Derrida profile (Garth Kemerling)
Derrida profile (Ron Turner quoting Microsoft Encarta)
Derrida profile (
Jacques Derrida (Stanford Humanities Symposia)
Derrida Interview a discussion about 'law' with Michael Rosenfeld
Derrida and Deconstruction (David Arnason)
Derrida Timeline (Tim Spurgin)
Derrida - the film by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering Kofman
review by Elvis Mitchell
review by Holly Wills
production notes IAPL
review by Tim Merrill
review by V.A. Musseto
review by Edward Guthmann
review by Jeff Vorndam
review by Marjorie Baumgarten
Kofman and Dick interviewby Michelle Handelman
Structuralism/Poststructuralism (Mary Klages)
Of Grammatology
Linquistics and Grammatology (from Of Grammatology, courtesy
Derrida (1994) What is Ideology? (
Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences (a reading guide by Mary Klages)
On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness (2001) review (by David Reinhart)
Egéa-Kuehne (1996) Neutrality in Education And Derrida's Call for "Double Duty"
Olson (1990) Jacques Derrida on Rhetoric and Composition: A Conversation
Derrida Bibliography (Eddie Yeghiayan)
Derrida Bibliography (Peter Krapp)
Deleuze and Guattari
An Introduction to Deleuze and Guattari (David Arnason)
Deleuze and Guattri on the Web (Alan Taylor)
Deleuze and Guattari on the Web (Charles Stivale)
L'Abécédaire (Summary by Charles Stivale)
The Movement-Image (Book announcement)
Terry Eagleton
Literary Theory, an introduction
Book Announcement (Univ of Minnesota Press)
Illusions of Postmodernism
Calder (1997) Postmodernism and its Ironies
Literary Theory 2nd edition (Book announcement)
Eagleton review of Conrad, Modern Times, Modern Places
Stanley Fish
Fish profile (Reed Way Dasenbrock)
Stanley Fish Resource Center (Kyösti Niemelä)
Michel Foucault
Foucault profile (Wikipedia)
Foucault profile (Mark Poster)
Foucault profile (David Vessey and Stephen Watson)
Foucault profile (Ron Turner)
Foucault profile (Garth Kemerling)
Foucault profile (Sebastian Foti)
Foucault profile and readings (Generation Online)
Foucault (David Gauntlett)
Foucault Home Page (Ben Attias)
Foucault Resources (Clare O'Farrell)
Theatrum Philosophicum (1970) (Courtesy, Generation Online)
Archeology of Knowledge (1969) (courtesy, part 2
Falluga (2003) Foucault on Gender and Sex
The History of Sexuality
review (by Dale Lakevold)
Thorp (1990) The Social Construction of Homosexuality
Mark Poster (1984) Foucault, Marxism and History Mode of Production Versus Mode of Information
Miller (1994) Foucault's Virtual Passion
Author Function
Covaleskie (1993) Power Goes to School: Teachers, students, and discipline
Palermo (1994) I'm not Lying, This is not a Pipe:Foucault and Magritte on the art of Critical Pedagogy
Mayo (1997) Foucauldian Cautions on the Subject and the Educative Implications of Contingent Identity
Spurgin Reader's Guide to 'What is an Author'
the Frankfurt School
Profile (Wikipedia)
Profile (Daniel Chandler)
Profile (Garth Kemerling)
Profile (Henk Tuten)
Profile (
Illuminations (Doug Kellner and Brian Hawk)
Kellner (1997) The Frankfurt School and British Cultural Studies: The Missed Articulation
Kellner Critical Theory and the Crisis of Social Theory
Kellner Critical Theory Today: Revisiting the Classics
O Ruairc (2003) The Politics of Despair: The Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School
Cowen (2003) The Significance of the Frankfurt School and Critical Theory
Bronner Dialectics at a Standstill
Wiggershaus (1994) The Frankfurt School. Its History, Theories, and Political Significance (review by Douglas Kellner)
Dialectiques (P. Deramaix)
Theodor Adorno
Adorno profile (Wikipedia)
Adorno profile (Michael Jones)
Adorno profile (Garth Kemerling)
Adorno profile (
In perspective: Theodor Adorno (Dave Harker)
Adorno: Aesthetic Theory (Book announcement)
Adorno Why Still Philosophy (exerpts)
Cook (1996) The Culture Industry Revisited (Review by Doug Kellner)
Bronner Dialectics at a Standstill: A Methodological Inquiry Into the Philosophy of Theodor W. Adorno
Adorno Study Guide (Ralph Dumain)
The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception (Adorno and Horkheimer, 1944)
Adorno Study Guide (Ralph Dumain)
Adorno corollary sources (
Walter Benjamin
Benjamin profile (Wikipedia)
Benjamin profile (Encyclopedia of Marxism)
,a href=>Benjamin profile (
The Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate
Walter Benjamin (
Lloyd Spencer lectures on Benjamin
Bronner (1991) Reclaiming the Fragments: On the Messianic Materialism of Walter Benjamin
Berman Angel in the City (reviews of Brodersen, Bullock & Jennings, and Parini)
Max Horkheimer
Horkheimer profile (Wikipedia)
Horkheimer profile (
Adorno and Horkheimer (1944) The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception (courtesy
Materialism and Metaphysics (exerpts)
Herbert Marcuse
Herbert Marcuse Homepage (Harold Marcuse)
Marcuse profile (Wikipedia)
Marcuse profile (Douglas Kellner) mirror
Marcuse profile (Douglas Kellner)
Marcuse profile (Garth Kemerling)
Marcuse profile (Tad Beckman)
Marcuse profile (Lloyd Spencer)
Marcuse profile (Anne Shaw)
Marcuse profile (Bob Trubshaw) mirror mirror mirror
Marcuse bio (Harold Marcuse)
Marcuse bio (Douglas Kellner) Marcuse Archive (
Marcuse Archive (Christian Fuchs)
Marcuse Bibliographie (P. Deraimaix)
One-Dimensional Man
One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society (1964) (Full text courtesy, Christian Fuchs)
One Dimensional Thought (courtesy, mirror
Kellner From 1984 to One-Dimensional Man: Critical Reflections on Orwell and Marcuse
Aggressiveness in Advanced Industrial Society (1967) from Negations: Essays in Critical Theory Beacon Press mirror
From Philosophy to Social Theory (1941) (Courtesy Andy Blunden)
Hegel's First System (Courtesy Andy Blunden,
Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud (1969)
review by Robert Young
Reason and Revolution (1941)
Feenberg (1996) Marcuse or Habermas: two critiques of technology
Feenberg (1992) Marcuse: Obstinacy as a Theoretical Virtue
Kellner (1982) Marcuse, Liberation, and Radical Ecology
Kellner (1998) Technology, War and Fascism, Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse review (by Marsha Hewitt)
Langston (1968) Herbert Marcuse and Marxism
Fucks On the Topicality of Selected Aspects of Herbert Marcuse's Works
Buick Marcuse: professor behind 1960s rebellion
Georg Lukács
Lukács profile (Pegasos)
Lukács profile (
Lukács profile (Akamac)
Lukács profile (Garth Kemerling)
Lukács Archive (
Blanc (1977) Georg Lukács: The Antinomies of Melancholy
Feenberg (1981) Lukács, Marx and the Sources of Critical Theory (Preface and TOC)
Sharp (1999) We are all Kantian
Hans-George Gadamer
Gadamer profile (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Gadamer profile (Wikipedia)
Gadamer profile (the Literary Encyclopedia)
Gadamer biography (European Graduate School)
Gadamer obituary (Washington Post / Reuters)
Gadamer obituary (Zouhair Ghazzal)
Gadamer home page (Etsuro Makita)
Arthos (1993) To Be Alive When Something Happens: Retrieving Dilthey's Erlebnis
Bilen (1995) The Historicity of Understanding and The Problem of Relativism in Gadamer.s Philosophical Hermeneutics
Blacker (1993) Education as the Normative Dimension of Philosophical Hermeneutics
Grondin (2004) Gadamer's Hope
Hogan (2000) Gadamer and the Philosophy of Education
Holub (1997) Hermeneutics
Vessey (2003) Gadamer's Theory of Time Consciousness
Anthony Giddens
Giddens profile (Edge Foundation)
Intro to Giddens (David Gauntlett)
Giddens on Globalization (BBC News)
Antonio Gramsci
Gramsci profile (Monica Stillo and David Gauntlett)
Gramsci profile (Barry Burke and Mark Smith)
Gramsci profile (Monica Stillo)
Gramsci profile (Garth Kemerling)
An Introduction to Gramsci's Life and Thought (Frank Rosengaden)
Gramsci and Hegemony (Daniel Chandler)
International Gramsci Society
Gramsci Internet Archive (
The Study of Philosophy (from the Prison Notebooks)
The Organisation of Education and Culture (exerpted by Carl Gutierrez-Jones)
Brandist (1995) Bakhtin, Gramsci and the Semiotics of Hegemony
Martin (2002) Antonio Gramsci: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers (review by Adam David Morton)
On Intellectuals (Gramsci quote from
Jurgen Habermas
Habermas profile (Wikipedia)
Habermas profile (Steve Robinson)
Habermas profile (Mitchell Stephens)
Habermas profile (
Habermas (1991) Middle of Nowhere: Destruction of Reason
Habermas (1968) The Idea of the Theory of Knowledge as Social Theory
Grady and Wells Toward A Rhetoric of Intersubjectivity: Introducing Jurgen Habermas
Ó Baoill (2000) Slashdot and the Public Sphere
Dahlberg (2000) Extending the Public Sphere through cyberspace: the case of Minnesota E-democracy
Poster (1995) CyberDemocracy: Internet and the Public Sphere
Donna Haraway
Haraway profile and bibliography (Elisa Kay Sparks)
Haraway Home Page (Univ of California, Santa Cruz)
Hyperlink to Donna Haraway (Toyofuku, Tsuyoshi)
Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium. FemaleMan©_Meets_OncoMouse™. Feminism and Technoscience (1996)
Exerpts from The Cyborg Manifesto
An Ironic Dream of a Common Language for Women in the Integrated Circuit
The Promises of Monsters: A Regenerative Politics for Inappropriate/d Others (1992)
Haraway () The Promises of Monsters: A Regenerative Politics for Inappropriate/d Others mirror
Writing, Literacy and Technology: Toward a Cyborg Writing (Gary Olson interview with Donna Haraway)
Art and Science in Chaos: Contesting Readings of Scientific Visualisation (Richard Wright)
Carubia (1998) Haraway on the Map
Edmund Husserl
Husserl profile (Wikipedia)
Husserl Profile Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
the Origin of the Modern Opposition between Physicalistic Objectivism and Transcendental Subjectivism. (1937) (courtesy
The Way into Phenomenological Transcendental Philosophy from Psychology (1937) (courtesy
Martin Heidegger
Heidegger profile (Wikipedia)
Heidegger Profile (Ron Turner)
Heidegger Profile (Garth Kemerling)
Heidegger Profile (Samuel Ebersole)
Heidegger Profile (Bedford St. Martins press)
The Basic Problems of Phenomenology (1927) (Courtesy,
Existence and Being (1949) (Courtesy,
Dreyfus Being and Power: Heidegger and Foucault
Dreyfus Heidegger and Foucault on the Subject, Agency and Practices
Dreyfus Highway Bridges and Feasts: Heidegger and Borgmann on How to Affirm Technology
Çüçen (1998) Heidegger's Reading of Descartes' Dualism: The Relation of Subject and Object
Ereignis a comprehensive Heidegger site by Pete Ferreira
Some Writings of Heidegger by Jud Evans
Heidegger Athenaeum (A site critical of Heidegger, by Jud Evans)
Hornsby (2002) What Heidegger Means by Being-in-the-World
Ereignis Heidegger and Technology Links
Gorner Heidegger, Phenomenology and the Essence of Technology
XuanmengHeidegger on Technology, Alienation and Destiny
Vessey Martin Heidegger: The Question Concerning Technology
See Theory of Technology
Agnes Heller
Heller Curriculum Vita
Heller Interview (Csaba Polony)
Tormey Agnes Heller Socialism, Autonomy and the Postmodern
Beyond Justice (1987) (Courtesy,
Fredric Jameson
Jameson profile (Doug Kellner)
Jameson profile (Doug Kellner)
Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) (courtesy
reviews (Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts)
exerpts (Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts)
Seeds of Time
excerpt (
The Prison-House of Language: A Critical Account of Structuralism and Russian Formalism
exerpts (Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts)
The Political Unconscious (1981)
exerpts (Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts)
Marxism and Form: Twentieth-Century Dialectical Theories of Literature
exerpts (Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts)
Late Marxism: Adorno or the Persistence of the Dialectic
Geopolitical Aesthetic: Cinema and space in the world system
Falluga Fredric Jameson on Ideology
Homer (1994) Fredric Jameson and the Limits of Postmodern Theory
Jameson Bibliography Eddie Yeghiayan
Longer Texts on Jameson (Wellek Library, UC Irvine)
Julia Kristeva
Kristeva profile (Wikipedia) mirror
Kristeva profile (Kelly Oliver)
Kristeva profile (Alice Kelsey)
Kristeva profile (Columbia Encyclopedia)
Kristeva profile (Dino Felluga)
Lechte (1990) Julia Kristeva
review (by Claire O'Farrell)
In the name of the Father, the Son . . . and the Woman? (Kristeva web resource by Lynn Chrenka)
Kristeva Bibliography (Hélène Volat)
Powers of Horror (1982)
review (by Trudy Mercer)
Kelly (ed) Ethics, Politics, and Difference in Julia Kristeva.s Writing
Kristeva (1994) On Yury Lotman
Oliver (1998) Kristeva and Feminism
Ziarek (1995) The Uncanny Style of Kristeva's Critique of Nationalism
Jean-François Lyotard
Lyotard Profile (Garth Kemerling)
Lyotard profile (FOLDOP: Free On Line Dictionary Of Philosophy)
Lyotard Biography (Ashley Woodward)
Lyotard Home Page (European Graduate School)
Jean-François Lyotard: A Bibliography (Eddie Yeghiayan)
Books about Lyotard(Eddie Yeghiayan)
The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (1979) (ch 1-5, courtesy, mirror (Athenaeum Reading Room) mirror (Rathbone)
Postmodern Fables (book announcement)
Libidinal economy
precis (FrontList Books)
book announcement (Indiana Univ Press)
Libidinal Philosophy (Ashley Woodward)
Economy (David Corker)
Roberts 1998) Rereading Lyotard: Knowledge, Commodification and Higher Education
Karl Marx
Marxism (Wikipedia)
Marx profile (Wikipedia)
Marx and Engles profile (James Winders)
Marx and Engels Internet Archive (
Karl Marx and Informal Education (Barry Burke)
Marxist Media Theory (Daniel Chandler)
Marx on Ideology (Dino Falluga)
Gouldner The Two Marxs: Contradictions and Anomalies in the Development of Theory
Mark Poster Existential Marxism in Postwar France
Mary Klages Marxism and Ideology
Karl Marx's Sociology (Frank Elwell)
Paul de Man
de Man profile (Cynthia Chase)
de Man profile (Bedford/ St. Martin's Publishing)
Aesthetic Ideology (Book announcement)
Texts by Paul de Man Eddie Yeghiayan
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Merleau-Ponty profile (Wikipedia)
Merleau-Ponty profile (Columbia Encyclopedia)
Merleau-Ponty: Le visible et l'invisible (Claude Lefort, 1988)
The Merleau-Ponty Circle (Binghamton University)
Dreyfus (1998) Intelligence Without Representation: Merleau-Ponty's Critique of Mental Representation: The Relevance of Phenomenology to Scientific Explanation
Marjorie O'Loughlin (1995) Intelligent Bodies and Ecological Subjectivities: Merleau-Ponty's Corrective to Postmodernism's "Subjects" of Education
reply by Shari Popen
Richard Rorty
Rorty profile (Bjørn Ramberg, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) mirror mirror
Rorty profile (Richard Shusterman)
Rorty Home Page (Stanford)
An Interview with Richard Rorty by Joshua Knobe
Consequences of Pragmatism (1982) (Courtesy,
Phony Science Wars (1999) (the Atlantic)
Feminism, Ideology, and Deconstruction: a Pragmatist View
Truth and Progress (1998)
review (by Michael Albert)
Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America
Scott Stossel interviews Richard Rorty (the Atlantic, April 1988)
Douglass (1977) Political Liberalism and Universalism: Problems in the Theories of David Gauthier and Richard Rorty
Haber Rorty on Feminism
Rockwell Critique of Rorty's analysis of Modern Epistemology
Rothfork (1994) Postmodern Ethics: Richard Rorty & Michael Polanyi
Smuts American Philosophy/Emerson & Rorty
Collins (1993) Truth as a Communicatitive Virtue in a Postmodern Age: From Dewey to Rorty
Coombs (1997) Rorty, Critical Thought, and Philosophy of Education
Okshevsky (1977) Richard Rorty on the Power of Philosophical Reflection and the Pragmatist Conception of Critical Thinking: A Redescription
Reich (1996) The Paradoxes of Education in Rorty's Liberal Utopia
Pendlebury (1996) Response to Reich
Jean-Paul Sartre
Sartre profile (Wikipedia)
Sartre profile (Garth Kemerling)
Sartre profile (Steven Ungar)
Edward Said
Remembering Edward Said November 1935 - September 2003
Boston Globe
Guardian (London)
London Daily Telegraph
Democracy Now!
Michael Wood
Sherri Muzher
Saveed Ahmad
The Economist
Partners for Peace
Ramzy Baroud
Mustafa Barghouti
Australian Broadcasting
Nigel Parry
Said profile (Bedford/ St. Martin's Publishing)
Edward W. Said Bibliography (Eddie Yeghiayan)
Reviews of Edward Said's Works (Eddie Yeghiayan)
Review by Danielle Sered
summary by Kumiko Sato
Reviews in print Eddie Yeghiayan
Peace and its Discontents: Essays on Palestine in the Middle East Peace Process
review by Matthew Dallek
review by Eric Rouleau
Miller (1991) Privacy and Pleasure: Edward Said on Music
Miracle of Oslow response by Ronald Bleier
Bahri (1996) Introduction to Postcolonial Studies
Charles Taylor
Taylor on the Web (Scott Moore)
Ethics of Authenticity
Review by Michael Novak
Malaise of Modernity Review by Russell McNeil
Banerjee (1995) Alienation, Power, and Gender in Sociological Theory: A Study of Marx, Foucault, and Feminism
Beck (1993) Postmodernism, pedagogy, and Philosophy of Education
Best and Kellner (1991) Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations (review by Dick Richter)
Bonner (1993) Of Critical Theory and Its Theorists
Burbules (1995) Postmodern Doubt and Philosophy of Education
Burbules (1997) Aporia: Webs, Passages, Getting Lost, and Learning to Go On
Barry Burke Post-modernism and Post-modernity
Ron Burnett Postmodern Media Communities
Chagani (1998) Postmodernism
Easthope & McGowan (eds)(1992) A Critical and Cultural Theory Reader
Review by Danny Yee
Andrew Feenberg
Feenberg Home Page
Critical Theory of Technology (1991)
Alternative Modernity: The Technical Turn in Philosophy and Social Theory (1995)
From Essentialism to Constructivism: Philosophy of Technology at the Crossroads (1996)
Escaping the Iron Cage, or, Subversive Rationalization and Democratic Theory (1998)
Fox (1995) Intertextuality and the Writing of Social Research
Giroux (1994) Slacking Off: Border Youth and Postmodern Education
James Heartfield Intellectual currents of the twentieth century
Analytic Philosophy
Post-structuralists and postmodernists
Denis Hlynka
Hlynka (1994) Six Postmodernisms in Search of an Author
Hlynka and Yeaman (1992) Postmodern Educational Technology
Douglas Kellner
Crossing the Postmodern Divide with Borgmann: Adventures in Cyberspace (1997)
Critical Theory, Poststructuralism, and the Philosophy of Liberation
Globalization and the Postmodern Turn
New Technologies, TechnoCities, and the Prospects for Democratization (1997)
Intellectuals, the New Public Spheres, and Techno-Politics (1997)
Lawley (1992) Discourse and Distortion in CMC
Lemke (1994) Semiotics and the Deconstruction of Conceptual Learning
Postmodernism and Critical Theory (Jay Lemke)
Lemke (2002) Alternative Perspectives on Education and Curriculum
John Lye
John Lye home page
Deconstruction: Some Assumptions
Some Post-Structural Assumptions
Some Factors Affecting/Effecting the Reading of Texts
Theory Checklist 1997: a working document
Some Characteristics of Contemporary Theory
Some Issues in Postcolonial theory
Vadim Linetski
The Promise of Expression to the 'Inexpressible Child': Deleuze, Derrida and the Impossibility of Adult's Literature (1999)
Lynch (1992) Preventing Play: Annotating the battle of the books.
Minock (1995) Toward a Postmodern Pedagogy of Imitation
Morningstar (1993) How to Deconstruct Almost Anything
Murphy Postmodernism and its Critics
Andrew Noselli Deconstruction: Putting the Truth Up For GrabsS
Olsen Gender Representation and History des Mentalités
Rapaport French Theory and Criticism 1945-1968
Rheingold The Virtual Community: Chapter Ten: Disinformocracy
Sokal and Bricmont (1999) Intellectual Impostures: Postmodern Philosophers' Abuse of Science
review by Danny Yee
review by Richard Dawkins
Styhre (2000) Escaping the Subject: Organization Theory, Postpositivism and the Liberation of Transgression
Unsworth (1991) Practicing Postmodernism
Villegas (1997) Culture & the Evolution of Educational Technology
Vitanza (1990) Habermas, Lyotard, and the problem of the Ethical Subject
All links verified September 23, 2005.